(ENG below)
Et kogu katsumuse jooksul, mida Võhandu Maraton pakub, oleks igal sportlasel vajalik energia olemas, on Enervit loonud lisaks rajal pakutavale Isotoonilisele spordijoogile energiapaketi.

Energiapaketiga tuleb kaasa TASUTA joogipudel, mille sisse tee võistluspäeva hommikul magneesiumi jook, mille pulbri leiab paketist.
Et maraton alustada õige energiaga, oleme energiapaketti lisanud Pre Sport marmelaadi. Pre Sport marmelaad sisaldab isomaltuloosi, mis tõstab suhkru taset veres aeglasemalt, seega energiat vabastatakse järk-järgult. Söö pool marmelaadi 60 min enne starti ja teine pool 30 min enne starti või kogu pakk 30 min enne starti.
Paati haara kaasa ülejäänud paketis olevad tooted, et saaksid ennast iga 17 km tagant tankida. Rajal olles on sul tarbida 3 energiabatooni (marjade ja pähklitega), 4 suus lahustuvat energiatabletti ja 2 energiageeli (1 kofeiiniga ja 1 ilma). Kofeiiniga energiageel jäta viimaseks, et oleksid viimaste pingutuste ajal täielikult fookuses. Antud energiageelid on hästi konsentreeritud, seega võta peale lonks vett, et toime oleks maksimaalse effektiivsusega.
Magneesiumi jooki tarbi lonksude haaval kogu võistluse vältel. Kindlasti tarbi ka rajal pakutavat isotoonilist spordijooki, mis aitab taastada mineraalide varusi kehas ja omandada paremini vedelikku. Ära unusta ka vett juua!
2025 aasta energiapaketti kuuluvad järgmised tooted:
- Pre Sport Marmelaad– 1tk
- Suus lahustuvad energiatabletid– 4tk
- Vees lahustuv magneesium+kaalium pulber– 1tk
- Energiabatoonid pistaatsia pähkli ja marjadega– 3tk
- 25ml energiageel (hästi konsentreeritud)- 2tk
- 550ml Enervit 70-aastapäeva kujundusega pudel– 1tk (TASUTA)
Paketti saab tellida vaid Võhandu Maratonile registreerudes. Tellitud paketid saab mugavalt kätte VM võistluskeskusest.
Lisainfo emaililt info@enervit.ee või telefonilt 56 27 28 52
The energy partner of Võhandu Marathon 2025 is Enervit
To ensure that every athlete has the necessary energy throughout the challenge offered by Võhandu Marathon, Enervit has created an energy package.
The energy package includes a FREE water bottle. On the morning of the race day, mix a magnesium drink in the bottle using the powder provided in the package.
To start the race with the right energy, we’ve included Pre Sport jelly in the energy package. Pre Sport jelly contains isomaltulose, which raises blood sugar levels more slowly, providing a gradual release of energy. Eat half of the jelly 60 minutes before the start and the other half 30 minutes before the start, or consume the entire pack 30 minutes before the start.
Take the remaining products from the package with you in the boat so you can refuel every 17 km. During the race, you’ll consume 3 energy bars (with berries and nuts), 4 fast-dissolving energy tablets, and 2 energy gels (1 with caffeine and 1 without). Save the caffeinated energy gel for last to ensure you stay fully focused during the final efforts. These energy gels are highly concentrated, so take a sip of water afterward for maximum effectiveness.
Sip the magnesium drink throughout the entire race. Make sure to also consume the isotonic sports drink offered on the course, as it helps replenish the body’s mineral reserves and improves hydration. Don’t forget to drink water as well!
The 2025 energy package includes the following products:
- Pre Sport Jelly – 1 pc
- Fast-dissolving energy tablets – 4 pcs
- Water-soluble magnesium + potassium powder – 1 pc
- Energy bars with pistachios and berries – 3 pcs
- 25 ml energy gel (highly concentrated) – 2 pcs
- 550 ml Enervit 70th Anniversary Edition bottle – 1 pc (FREE)
The package can only be ordered when registering for the Võhandu Marathon. Ordered packages can be conveniently picked up at the VM race center.
For more information, you can contact via email at info@enervit.ee or by phone at +372 56272852.